Created within the ‘20s and making an all-new debut in Weber Ranch Blue, this eye-catching cocktail is a technique-tester on the bar.
Take a look at this luxury premiere or finale to a night.
- Mix all elements in a cocktail shaker.
- Dry shake to emulsify the egg whites, add ice and shake till chilled.
- Double pressure into a calming Nick & Nora glass.
- Specific orange peel oils over the cocktail.
- Garnish with an orange wedge.
{“@context”:”https://schema.org/”,”@kind”:”Recipe”,”title”:”Woman in Blue”,”description”:”A scrumptious cocktail recipe for Woman in Blue”,”picture”:”https://chilledmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/R2S-Weber-Ranch-recipe.jpg”,”writer”:{“@kind”:”Individual”,”title”:””},”prepTime”:”PT5M”,”cookTime”:”PT0M”,”totalTime”:”PT5M”,”recipeYield”:”1 serving”,”recipeIngredient”:[“1 u00bd oz. Weber Ranch Vodka”,”1 oz. Blue Curau00e7ao”,”u00be oz. lemon juice”,”u00bd oz. egg white”],”recipeInstructions”:[{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker.”},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Dry shake to emulsify the egg whites, add ice and shake until chilled.”},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Double strain into a chilled Nick & Nora glass.”},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Express orange peel oils over the cocktail.”},{“@type”:”HowToStep”,”text”:”Garnish with an orange wedge.”}],”recipeCategory”:”Cocktail”}
The put up Woman in Blue appeared first on Chilled Journal.